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About the Financial Dashboard

Accessed from the Analytics tab, this dashboard provides a big picture view of your practice's A/R for just this month, or up to the last year, showing numbers and trends in a single view.

Financial Performance A/R

Select a preset Date Range to filter the dashboard.

For the Filter Date Type, select whether to filter by the Service Date or the Transaction Date.

Values Displayed

Dy default, ALL CLAIMS is the value underlined and in green, which means these are the claims currently in focus. This value represents all claims for the currently selected filters. The number of claims is shown in parentheses.

Net Collection Rate - Percentage of the approved amount (after contractual adjustments) that has been collected. Reflects the overall success in collecting revenue after factoring in adjustments, denials.

First Pass Rate - Percentage of claims submitted that are processed and paid by payers without requiring any additional information or clarification. Indicates efficiency and accuracy in claims submission process.

Other Values Displayed

Census - Total number of patients at a given point in time.

Providers - Total number of active healthcare providers with admitting or attending privileges at the practice.

Gross Charges - Total amount billed for services rendered before any contractual adjustments or discounts are applied.

Net Collection - Total amount of payments received after all contractual adjustments, global adjustments, and denials.

Pending Claims - Total number of claims submitted to payers but not yet processed or paid. May indicate delays or require follow-up.

Denied Claims - Total count of claims for which payment was refused by payers. May indicate coding errors, eligibility issues, or lack of medical necessity.

More Displayed Values

Avg Days in Denied - Average number of days between an initial denial and the final resolution of the claim (payment or denial). A measure of claims resolution efficiency.

Denial Rate % - Percentage of all claims submitted that were denied by payers. Indicates potential issues with billing accuracy or payer requirements.

Coming soon for practices with Lynx

Unbilled Drugs - Drug dispenses that have not yet been included in claims submitted for reimbursement.

Unbilled Drug Amount - Total dollar amount of drugs dispensed that have not yet been included in claims submitted for reimbursement.

Drug Collection - Total amount of payments received specifically for dispensed medications.

Net Cost Recovery -

Monthly Numbers Table

Scroll down on the Financial Dashboard to see a table of the monthly numbers for the currently selected date filters.

Each row represents a Month in the currently selected Date Range.

For each Month listed, the columns show Charges, Pending Collections, Adjustments, Collections, Predication Amount, Denied Amount, Denial Rate %, Collection Baseline, and % of Baseline.

Net Patient Collection Report

Shown on the right side of the Financial Dashboard, the Net Patient Collection Report helps your practice visualize trends in your most recent claims.

For each month shown, the graph includes the Paid Amount, Pending Amount, Contractual Adjustment, and Denied Amount.

The Baseline is shown by the dark-gray line across all 6 months and illustrates which months were above or below.

Hover for More Information

For the Net Patient Collection Report, hover over a column to display the numbers for that month.

MTD Net Patient Collection

This graph shows Collections for the current month to date (MTD) compared to the MTD Collections Baseline.