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About the Net Cost Recovery Dashboard

Available on the Drug Spend Analytics tab in the Glide Health portal, the Net Cost Recovery dashboard helps analyze and optimize drug costs and reimbursements for your practice, including manufacturer rebates.

This powerful tool focuses on pricing and profitability tracking, providing clear and actionable insights to maximize reimbursement dollars from insurance payers.

Dashboard Overview

The Net Cost Recovery dashboard provides access to drug reimbursement metrics without requiring manual calculations.

  • Compare how different payers reimburse for the same drug: Identify discrepancies and understand which payers provide more favorable reimbursement rates to help negotiate better contracts and reimbursement rates with insurance companies.

  • Analyze the reimbursement patterns of various payers to inform procurement strategies: Prioritize purchasing drugs with higher reimbursement rates from your most frequent payers, optimizing your drug spending.

  • Use payer-specific data for budgeting and forecasting: Knowing how payers reimburse allows you to predict revenue better and plan your finances, and identifying underperforming payers or drugs can help improve billing practices or appeal denied claims, thereby enhancing overall revenue recovery.

Select a Date Range

As the information in the dashboard is based on the Date of Service, select a quarter from the Date Range drop-down menu.

Filter by Procedure

View, sort, and filter the dashboard to see the breakdown of profitability by procedure.

Filter the Dashboard
  1. To filter the dashboard by procedure code, click the Procedure column header.

  2. Check the procedure codes to include in your view.

  3. Click Apply.

Remove the Filter
  1. To cancel the Procedure filter, click the column header.

  2. Click Reset.

Sort the Dashboard

Sort the Dashboard

The dashboard can be sorted by any column with an arrow in the header, except for the Procedure column.

  1. Click in the column header.

  2. Select whether you want an Ascending or Descending sort.

  3. Click Apply.

Remove a Sort
  1. To cancel any sorting, click the column header showing the filter icon. In the example image, it is the NCR column.

  2. Click Reset, and the sort returns to the default sort, by Reimbursement Price.